Rachel Samuel headshot

Rachel Samuel

Graduation Year

  • HBSc 2018 Innis College

Inside the Classroom

  • Major: Anthropology
  • Major: Human Biology

Alongside the Classroom

Outside the Classroom

  • Executive team member, U of T African Students’ Association
  • Student caller, U of T Telefund
  • Vice president, Children of Hope Uganda Club
  • Student organizer, U of T Swahili cultural events
  • Work study, Innis College Registrar’s Office
  • Executive team member, Innis College WUSC Local Committee
  • Mentor, Innis InSIGHT (peer mentorship)

Further Education

Career Accomplishments

  • Administrative assistant, Enrolment Services, U of T
  • Intern, Ontario Public Health
  • Research assistant, Department of Psychology, York University

It is not just about the destination. Be present and enjoy every moment of the process.